Saturday, August 31, 2019

Counseling and Ethical Standards

Core Assessment Jessica Ferguson PS 206 Introduction to Guidance and Counseling Abstract This core assessment will be my understanding of the concepts that I have learned in this course. I will define and give examples about the different therapy techniques that I have learned about. I will show that I can adequately explain that I am knowledgeable in my understanding of confidentiality and ethics in counseling. 1. (a) Empathic understanding is when a therapist correctly understands the client’s thoughts, feelings and meanings from the client’s point of view.When the therapist is able to look at the clients point of view it tells the client that his/or her point has value and the client feels accepted. Example: Client: I don’t know why my husband wants to come to therapy now; we have never been able to communicate. It doesn’t bother me anymore. I’ve accepted it, I wish he could. Therapist: Coning to therapy now doesn’t make much sense to you. Maybe you used to have feeling about your lack of communication with your husband, but it sound like you feel pretty numb about the whole situation now. b) Unconditional positive regard is when a client is able to talk about their thoughts and feelings without having to do anything in particular to earn the therapists understanding. This is done when the therapist accepts the client unconditionally and does not pass judgment. (c)Transference is when a client projects feelings or attitudes from the past onto the therapist.Example: When a female client begins to treat her female therapist with disdain and begins to close off from therapy because the female therapist reminds her of her mother that was overbearing and mean to her. d) Anxiety is a feeling that people experience in many different ways. Some people may feel nervous, anxious, and fearful. Most of the time anxiety is normal and a good part of our ability to deal with the world. However, anxiety can become a problem for some people if it becomes excessive and begins to interfere with our daily lives. Example: Normal anxiety would be if someone had a big project due at work and the good anxiety may push us to prepare more before you present your project. An xample of excessive anxiety is when a woman has to fly on an airplane and she begins to get extremely nervous and sick to her stomach and she begins to feel dizzy. She does not get on the plane because she had experienced excessive anxiety. (e) Projection is when a client blames other people for their actions. Example: Sandy is holding an expensive glass vase and Joe is trying to get his jacket on, in the meantime, Sandy drops the vase and screams at Joe, â€Å"See what you made me do! I dropped the vase because you were taking too long to put on your coat.Sandy blamed Joe for dropping the vase. (f) Irrational beliefs. As we develop we form beliefs about ourselves, others and the world. Most of the time our beliefs are truthful, healthy, and rationa l. However, through events and unfortunate circumstances we begin to develop false, unhealthy, and irrational beliefs about ourselves, others and the world. Example: A client that thinks that she has to be perfect in every way to please everyone and if she is not perfect in every way then no one will love her. 2. (a). Behavior therapy and person-centered therapyBehavior therapy believes that our behaviors are learned and that we are products of our environment. The client and therapist both take a very active role in learning more desired behaviors. Person- centered therapy believes that the client is their own best authority and they are capable of fulfilling their won potential for growth with minimal direction from the therapist. The behavior therapist will set goals, treatment plans and expected outcomes up front and does not believe that the therapist has to be overly warm with the client.A person-centered therapist will allow the client to decide what their own goals and treat ment plan will be and also believes that it is an important part of therapy to have the therapist is as open and warm as possible. Person –centered therapy places more emphasis on the client’s expressing and experiencing their feelings. Behavior therapy believes that people have to learn new behaviors. (b). Family and Psychoanalytic therapy Family therapy focuses on the fact that we are part of a family and that we each play a role in each other lives.Change happens with in relationships in the family not just one person. Family therapy is usually brief. The psychoanalytic approach focuses only on one person and change occurs within their own personality. Psychoanalytic approach can take several years to complete. The family therapist has to be able to listen and not pass judgment on any of the family members; the therapist must be open, honest and warm with everyone in the group. The psychoanalytic therapist does not believe that you should share any personal experien ces or their reaction with their clients.They believe that they should listen and analyze. 3. Part 1 (a). It is highly unethical to pursue a romantic relationship with a client during therapy. It is the therapist’s ethical duty to help the client with his or her problems not to add to them. Corey (2009), states that becoming emotionally or sexually involved with a current client is unethical, unprofessional, and illegal. As to a former client, a romantic relationship is unethical because the therapist already knows very personally and intimate details of the client’s life and the therapist could use that to their advantage.Part 2 (a). Confidentiality in counseling is very important in gaining trust from the client. The client needs to know that what they are discussing in therapy does not leave the room. But the client needs to know that confidentially does not mean keeping secrets. The client should know that confidentially may be broken if they client is going to har m themselves or someone else. The therapist needs to be discussing the fact that confidentially has boundaries and the client has to understand what those boundaries are before counseling begins.The counselor should provide written information on important aspects of therapy at the beginning of counseling, such as what the boundaries of confidentiality are, payments, complaints, ect†¦ Part 2 (b) â€Å"Duty to warn† would be necessary if I had a client that was 14 years old and she disclosed to me that her step-father had been touching her sexually. I would have a duty to warn the proper authorities because she is a minor. The ethical issue involved would be that I would have to break confidentiality of my patient by disclosing to outside person’s what we iscussed. Another example of duty to warn would be if I had a client that told me that he hated his co-workers and that he was going to shoot them. I would have to break confidentiality by contacting the authoriti es and letting them know that this person was a serious threat to others. Part 2 (c) Ethical standards are important in counseling because there has to be a professional standard for appropriate behavior, professional expectations and preventing harm to clients.When you are a profession where the therapist and clients relationship is built on trust, the therapist should engage in conduct that is safe and non-threatening to the client, so that the client can get the emotional and psychological healing that they deserve. 4. I could apply REBT therapy to my life because this therapy is very direct and challenges you to do something rather than just sitting and talking about problems. I have a problem saying no to people. I feel that I should help everyone when I am asked and if I just have to say no I feel very shameful and guilt ridden.I think that REBT’s method of disputing my irrational beliefs would help me. It could help me learn to ask myself, â€Å"Why must I say yes all of the time? and â€Å"what is the worst thing that could happen if I say no?. I also think that REBT’s method of doing homework would help me too. It could help me to put myself in situations where I would have to say no. And REBT’s shame attacking exercise would also help me. I feel very shameful when I have to say no to someone. This method would have me to do things that I would feel shameful dong and by doing those things the feelings of shame would eventually disappear or not be such a big deal anymore.I would also benefit from Gestalt therapy. I think that this therapy could benefit me by helping me to ask for help and to give me more awareness of myself. I have a huge problem asking anyone for help. I think that the empty chair technique would assist me to be able to tell my mother that I needed help when I was younger but I did not want to ask her for it because I did not want to bother her because she was always so busy. I would also use the rehearsal techn ique. The rehearsal technique would help me by giving me practice saying out loud that I need help. 5. a) Low self-esteem – I think that behavioral cognitive therapy would be the best method for low self-esteem. CBT helps a person to diminish negative beliefs about themselves; it helps the person to establish and strengthen more positive beliefs, and encourages the person to learn how to accept themselves for who they are. Some of the techniques used in CBT that would be helpful for a person with low self-esteem. One technique would be trying to direct the client to more positive strengths and qualities, the client would have to write down everyday what their positive qualities are.Another technique would be to have the client to look at the past and present to find out what or who is helping the client to support negative beliefs about themselves. Another technique would to be to have the client to re-evaluate their dysfunctional assumptions about themselves and begin to for mulate new more realistic alternatives. I think that the psychoanalytic approach may not work the best for someone with low self-esteem because it focuses mainly on the person’s past and does not really focus on present situations.A person with low self-esteem may need a therapist that is accepting and warm, the psychoanalytic therapist does not believe that the client should be treated with very much warmth. And this approach can be a very long process. (b). Phobias – Behavior therapy would be the best approach for a person with a phobia. Behavior therapy focuses on, â€Å"observable behaviors, current determinates of behavior, learning experiences that promote change, tailoring treatment strategies to individual treatment and change the problem† (Corey, 2009).Some of the methods that the behavior therapist would use with a client with a phobia would be exposure therapies. Exposure therapies are for helping client to treat their phobias and the bad responses to those phobias. The therapist would try In vivo exposure with the client, by exposing the client to their actual phobia. The therapist could also use flooding. The therapist could have the client to imagine the phobia or have the client to experience the phobia for an extended period of time allowing for the fear to diminish on its own.I think that the least effective therapy for a person with a phobia would be person-centered therapy. Person – centered therapy focuses on the person, not their phobia. A person with a phobia wants to get rid of it, not just talk about it. (c) Marital problems would best be worked on through family systems therapy. Family systems therapy believes that we can be understood when we can be observed with our families. Its focus is on each person, but it also focuses on how each person interacts with one another. I would use structural- strategic family therapy.This method helps to reduce problems and set boundaries and helps to define power and con trol. I think that psychoanalytic therapy may not work well with marital problems because this therapy is based too much on a person’s past and early development. The couple may want to focus on the present and get their problems solved quickly. 6. Three counseling and guidance models. Gestalt therapy emphasizes awareness and personal responsibility and it adopts a holistic approach giving equal awareness to mind and body. It also believes that the client should not focus in the past or the future but on the present.Gestalt therapy believes that we have unfinished business. Unfinished business is what happens when you have feelings that are left unresolved. Those unresolved feelings show up later in present day life causing emotional upheaval. Gestalt therapy does not believe that there a specific methods to therapy that should be followed. The gestalt therapist may use experiments in the course to therapy. One of the exercises is the rehearsal exercise. This allows the clien t to rehearse what their feelings are. Another exercise would be the internal dialogue exercise.This exercise allows the client to express out load what they have been telling only themselves. Adlerian therapy believes that people posses an innate tendency toward completions or wholeness and that people strive for superiority to compensate for feelings of inferiority. It also believes that people have the ability to freely shape their own behavior and personality. It believes that humans have their own unique style of life that include a person’s goals, self-concepts, feelings for others and attitude toward the world.Adlerian therapy has several techniques that it employs during therapy. One technique is the life style assessment, which allows the therapist to identify what needs to be worked on during therapy and to identify successes and mistakes in the client’s life. The adlerian therapist also uses encouragement as a powerful technique in therapy. Encouragement is used to build a relationship and to help facilitate client change. A therapist may also use role playing, this gives the client an opportunity to add missing experience into their lives and to explore and practice new behaviors.The psychoanalytic approach believes that all behavior and mental processes reflect constant and often unconscious struggles within people. These usually involve conflicts between our need to satisfy basic biological instincts, for example, for food, sex or aggression. The psychoanalytic therapist may use techniques such as free association where the client says anything that comes to mind. And dream analysis to find links in the client’s thoughts and behaviors and then interpret the dreams in terms of the client’s problems.References Corey,G. (2009). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy. (8th. Edition). Belmont,CA.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Mother’s Day Kiss Off Summary

A Mother’s Day Kiss Off In the Article, Leslie Bennetts talks about women who have been given the wrong impression of life. The impression of life being a fairy-tale, in which the man is the breadwinner and the wife stays home and tends to the house and the children. She also talks about, the so called fairy-tale crashing when the prince leaves for good. The gender roles in the home are women being taken advantage of. Marriage in the American society has had clearly defined gender roles in the past.The husband’s role of the house is to be the breadwinner. The wife’s carries the role of being the caregiver. Three main phases of American economy, how family lived and made money to support the family, have influenced the gender roles of the household. As economy changed to a wages of family economy the gender roles became more defined. Women have a lot of tasks to do in the household. The men worked outside of the home and women were restricted to the home to provid e childcare and attend to household duties.Most men still have the mindset that cleaning up around the house and tending to the children are the part of women’s work. When emotional support, social and intellectual development for the child is needed the mother/ woman of the house is the sole provider. It’s not necessarily a disadvantage for the women but it is an added task for them to provide, even though it’s a form of nursing the children. It especially becomes useful if the man of the house is absent due to work, death or has abandoned the household, for the children already look to her to tend to their needs.Some women take on the role of being a stay at home mom instead of working in a field where they would happy this can lead to feeling resentful for some. Women who have had careers have quit their jobs to take on the role as house wife are upset as well. Women can grow angry if they feel left behind to do everything as far as taking care of the childre n, household and now take care of the finances due to the absence of the breadwinner for various reasons. Women prefer to manage their marital status simultaneously with their career.The ability of a woman to do well lies in the perception that she can handle household duties and other tasks with strength. They have worked hard to get the education. If possible women should chose to work because if she were to remain at home she would be wasting all the knowledge she got through education during the early years of her life. It would be a â€Å"waste of human resources† if she does not work no matter if her husband has a well paying job or is rich enough to support her and the entire family.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Tranquility of a Cemetery

As we come in to a cemetery, we might be filled with fears or have some sort of dreadful feeling. Our first impression may be of dark cold nights and ended lives. What is a scary and dreadful place for some people; it is a very meaningful place for me. This place is so meaningful to me because my father is buried there. Cemeteries are important to bringing perspective and serenity, because they bring us a connection to where we came from, it helps us realize the tenderness of life, and they help us to relax a little bit through their calmness. I have had so many things impact my life and they all seem to end up in the same place. Cemeteries are not the dreaded and scary things of superstitions. They are holding places for memories and faith. The memories I hold from Bellevue memorial park are not from within the place itself but from the people it holds. It helped me realize the delicacy of life by taking many people I loved before I expected them to go. My father is buried in my most meaningful place; my grandma and one of my uncles are there too. The day we buried my dad it was a beautiful day outsides, it was nice and sunny although it looked like it was going to rain. As I entered the cemetery I saw tombstones piled up from left to right and right to left , there’s was people buries in every direction. On one corner there are tombstones dated as far back as the 1800’s, those are the oldest tombs. Then there’s a section as you are coming in to the cemetery, called the mausoleum. As you go in there it’s very quiet, but the smell of the mausoleum is the same smell of a rotting piece of meat. As you approach to the middle section of the cemetery there is the baby section. This section is always filled with balloons flowers and all kinds of decorations, for their birthdays or special occasions. This is the saddest section of the whole cemetery because you always see at least 1 mother crying to their dead child. In the older sections of the cemetery there where caskets coming out the ground, you could see that since they have been there too long the dirt has pushed them out. I walked around the whole cemetery and I felt sad for all f these people that have lost their lives in accidents, crimes, or just health problems. I kind of felt like I was in fear of losing my life too, because I was surrounded by death. As we approached to the section where my father was going to be buried, it smelled like fresh flowers and plants, but if u smelled deep enough there was a humid smell in the air of the rotting corpses underneath the ground I was stepping on. I’ve been at this ce metery three times and as close as I can remember it felt the same. I felt scared, anxious; my heart beat was accelerating as we were getting closer to putting my loved ones underground. The grass was green and freshly cut; it seemed as if they had just cut it for this occasion. Every time I go to the cemetery I’m not scared anymore I feel peaceful, when you go there you get relaxed because it’s very quiet, there is no sound in sight all u can hear is the static in your ears. Also it’s hard to explain the emotions you get as you enter a cemetery; you feel sad, scared, anxious lots of mixed emotions. One thing I remember the most is the feeling of knowing that once my dad was going underground I was never going to see him again all I was left with was his memory and his tomb.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Multiple regression Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Multiple regression - Term Paper Example Multiple regression is an effective technique to identify a relationship between one dependent variable and multiple independent variables. It is hypothesized the property crime rates per thousand inhabitants is dependent on multiple factors such as per capita income, school dropout percentage, population density, percentage of people living in urban area and so on. In order to establish a certain relationship between the variables, multiple regression was used. While crimes is the dependent variable, other variables such as state, per capita income, dropouts, average precipitation, public aid recipients, population density, unemployment, percentage of people living in urban areas were considered as independent variable. Minitab was used to perform multiple regression analysis. It was found that only two variables had a significant relationship with the variable crime rates: dropouts and urban. It was found that as percentage of dropouts increased, the crime rate per thousand inhabit ants also increased. It is also evident from the data set that urban areas are having higher crime rates as compared to rural areas. Other variables included in the study did not have much impact on the dependent variable. The first column of the table below shows the regression coefficient of all the independent variables. The second column contains the standard error of the regression coefficient. The standard error of all the variables is the distance of the standard value from its true value. As can be seen from the table, the standard error of the constant term (intercept) is 1226 while it is 8.238 for the variable state. The third column is the calculated t-value for the data. This can be used to test that the corresponding population coefficient is 0. The probability that the population value for the corresponding variable is 0 is given in the last column. A row with small p-values and high t-values suggests that the variable is significant and contributes to the model.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Solutions to obesity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Solutions to obesity - Essay Example This essay "Solutions to obesity" describes the problem of obesity, major causes and also focuses on the way how to prevent it. It is imperative to fight the condition of obesity on the priority basis, not only to induce good health but also to prevent the onset of dreaded diseases in the society. Physical ailments are distressing and take away the mental well being of the individual leading to psychological predicaments. Essentially, devising solution to the condition of obesity is the priority to prevent the creation of detrimental, unattractive and pricey society which squanders too much money on excess and processed food. As with time, health care costs are mounting, together with the cost of processed or fatty food awareness should be generated in the mob towards healthy eating. However, there is not a solo and simple solution to obesity epidemic and therefore solution to obesity relies on the combined efforts of states, society, schools and parents by opting healthy food choice for children, youngsters and families. It is essential that school food options for breakfast and lunch are healthy as well as appealing. Introduction of fruits, vegetables, low-fat dairy foods, whole grains and simultaneous reduction of the access to calorific, high-fat or high sugar containing food items. Using cafeteria to improve awareness for healthy food choice to build an environment where healthy eating is promoted. Seek student input for their eating plans and habits either in the form of discussions, classroom activities or contests.

Music and dance an aspect of Caribbean culture Essay

Music and dance an aspect of Caribbean culture - Essay Example It is acknowledged that the creolization of the Caribbean culture may well be the key to understanding the numerous and interrelated forms of music and dance expression. In Caribbean music and dance, one can find an ever-changing mixture of percussion and vocal styles traceable to West Africa; as well as melodic and harmonic forms derived from European culture. Caribbean musicians have blended and simmered these musical influences, transforming the various ingredients into something new and unique. And of course, there is continual cross–fertilization among the islands, as variations are made to keep the music fresh, making for the Caribbean’s vital input into the international music scene. One by one rumba, beguine, calypso and reggae have taken not only the United States but the entire world by storm. Part of the power and allure of the Caribbean music is its constant rediscovery of the island’s African heritage. The steel drum of Trinidad evokes the drum choirs of West Africa, salsa and even reggae are drawn from the call-and-response style of West Africa. The music and dance culture of Caribbean lands have changed with the growth of national pride and numerous American influence. In recent years, Jamaican reggae has exerted the greatest influence on the international market of any Caribbean music. The music of the Caribbean is dance music, meant to provide a few moments of freedom from the routines of daily existence. According to, â€Å"the dances of the Caribbean nations mostly are comprised of social dances..†

Monday, August 26, 2019

Almanac Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Almanac - Essay Example I adore this time of year. Anyway past that, this is likewise a decent time to investigate The Old Farmers Almanac 2015 climate forecasts, and see what Mother Nature may have in store for us. For the winter climate forecasts in 2014-2015, The Old Farmers Almanac focuses to Solar Cycle 24 – which started in 2008 – and predicts temperatures in the following year to be colder than ordinary amid winter, and hotter than typical amid summer. This winter, the focal and eastern United States will see colder than ordinary temperatures, while the western 33% of the nation will encounter above normal temps. Concerning snow, the focal piece of the nation starting from the dakotas to Texas and afterward east through Georgia and South Carolina can expect icy and dry, while the Corn Belt locale will encounter the cool with heavier snowfall. All in all, The Old Farmers Almanac predicts overwhelming snowfall for the upper east piece of the nation, albeit there are additionally parts of New England – western Massachusetts, southern Vermont, New Hampshire and the greater part of Maine – that will be dryer than ordinary. Florida will probably get more precipitati on than typical this winter. Out west, people can expect gentle temperatures and underneath normal snowfall pretty much, in spite of the fact that the western piece of New Mexico down into the western-most parts of Texas could see icy, frigid conditions. Expect above normal temperatures or more normal precipitation in the vast majority of Washington State. Amid summer, we could be in for a hot, dry one here amidst the nation. Expect hot all through the nation, the main two special cases being in the southwest and in the mid-Atlantic states, where in both areas they are anticipating ordinary temperatures. Taking a gander at the guide of The Old Farmers Almanac climate forecasts for summer 2015, it is hard not to

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Management Roles of a Principal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Management Roles of a Principal - Essay Example From this paper, it is clear that courses offered once, as well as the availability of teachers, influence the schedule’s development. Together with the principal, the counselor does the actual work, remembers not to schedule courses at the same time, and considers to accommodate the schedule of teachers. In making adjustments, the principal and the counselor make an initial run through to determine arising conflicts. The district provides a computer program called TEAMS to help manage the schedule. The guidance office, as well as the principal, makes the final approval. As the paper outlines budget management is also part of the role of an administrator. However, the central office is the one responsible for allocating the budget, as well as in providing assistance. In preparing the budget, the goal is to look at the needs of the campus and try not to exceed in its allocation. Budget management process begins towards the end of the year and extends into the Summer months since the school does not have the actual budget until the start of the next school year. Campuses receive their budget allocations after September 1, which includes general operating funds, special education, title funds, and compensatory education funds, as well as the travel and staff development. The Site-Based Decision Making (SBDM) committee, which is composed of teachers, parents, and community leaders helps the principal in making sure that the whole management process is thoroughly made. Allocating the funds is the last step of the process, and the budget is then finalized before September 1st.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

A Very Long Engagement by Jean-Pierre Jeunet Movie Review

A Very Long Engagement by Jean-Pierre Jeunet - Movie Review Example A Very Long Engagement is a French romantic war film and the series of awards and accolades that greeted this film makes people that have not watched the film have the feeling that they have missed a lot. The film was the fictional storyline that was based on the experience of some individuals in the concluding stages of the First World War. The film is a must watch for everybody that loves romantic films with a spice of war scenes in it. As earlier said the film won several awards and was nominated for awards in different categories. The film won about eight awards and was nominated (but did not win) about twelve times. The nomination and the awards that the film won show the film’s quality. A Very Long Engagement is based on a novel written by Sebastien Japrisot in 1991 with the same title and it brings the details of this novel back to life. The film chronicles the search of a young woman named Mathilde Donnay (Audrey Tautou) for her fiance, Manech Langonnet (Gaspard Ulliel ). Manech was one of the soldiers that took part in the First World War. Mathilde was aware that Manech could have been killed during the battle of the Somme during the First World War, but the fact that she still had hope that he was still alive showed the kind of affection that Mathilde had for Manech and this is just one of the ways that the producers of this great film brought the romantic details of the First World War back to life.

Friday, August 23, 2019

College admissions essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

College admissions - Essay Example I came to this conclusion about a year ago when I had the unfortunate experience of watching both friends and family members struggle with cancer. While at the hospital, I observed caring oncologists and other healthcare professionals, (including radiation technicians) assisting these people through their most trying situations with care and compassion. It is for this reason that I became inspired, and I realized that this was the career path I should have chosen. My long-term goals include continuing my education; as I enjoy growing, learning, and evolving as a professional. I also know that whatever I do I want to help people and make a difference in their lives, even if it is only a small contribution. As a young college student I didn't comprehend all the positions that were available within the healthcare industry that would satisfy my duel fascinations with science and the human body. Therefore, at the time, I pursued a Bachelor of Science degree in Physical Education; with a concentration on fitness and wellness. However, I soon learned that the scope of available employment for this degree can be somewhat limiting, and so, found myself working in the field of nuclear energy. As I mentioned, I enjoy learning and expect to accomplish my goal of becoming a radiation technician in approximately one year.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Emirates Airline in Dubai Essay Example for Free

Emirates Airline in Dubai Essay With the competition in the aviation industry threatening to hit fever pitch, Emirates is doing everything at its disposal to remain relevant in the sector which continues to grow tremendously. The massive growth in the aviation industry which has been largely attributed to globalization and industrialization calls for major players such as Emirates airlines to put extra efforts as far as service delivery is concerned in a bid to remain at the top. And since growth comes with its fair share of competition, to keep up with it a company must offer not only best but also unique services and be ready to commit enough resources towards customer satisfaction. It is in this spirit that Emirates through its innovative and creative strategy has remained a pace setter in the aviation industry. Pioneer In order to address the communication needs of its passengers, Emirates became the pioneer airline to launch a service of its kind which allows passengers to use their cell phones. The service which was first rolled out on 20 March 2008 on a charter plane between Dubai and Casablanca was received well by a good number of stakeholders in the industry. With this new system, passengers will now be in a position to call or send text messages to people who are on the ground. Already experts say that other airlines have gone back to the drawing board with a keen interest of embracing this new technology so as to attract more customers. Food for the soul Emirates offers what one can call a one-stop in-flight entertainment system with a wide range of options such as live international television channels, music and movies which are largely attributed to its large client base. Apart from in-flight internet services available to all classes of passengers, they are also provided with newspapers, magazines and other periodicals to inform and educate them while traveling. Generally it provides all what clients’ needs including food to music which some prefer calling food for the soul. This kind of investment in the entertainment makes customers to enjoy their journey and even consider using the same service in future hence making the Dubai based company preferred by many clients. Customer service Client satisfaction which gives Emirates competitive advantage can be attributed to its professional, young, dynamic, diligent, and dedicated cabin crew drawn from various countries. The multilingual staff uses its diverse cultural backgrounds coupled with the facilities available to serve passengers with the humility they deserve. Fully cognizant of the fact that good performance in business can only be achieved through customer satisfaction; the company has utilized this unique capability to offer best services so as to achieve the desire of their clients. This lean and well coordinated work force has seen . the airline maintain high standard of service delivery and achieve enviable goals. Although experts argue that this is a strategy aimed at cutting on costs, research shows that lean staff coupled with a simple organizational structure like the one adopted by the company leads to success. State-of–the-art The state-of-the-art fleet of planes which Emirates boasts of has enabled it to be consistent and reliable more than any other top airline. These latest planes comes in handy because it means they will be at the right place at the right time hence fits the bill of the demands of customers. Irrespective of the class of the plane, once you fly with the company comfort is guaranteed. Responsibility In this era where corporate organizations are giving back to the community in the spirit of social corporate responsibility, Emirates is not left behind. It sponsors major events across the world ranging from sports to trade. For instance it sponsors the English Premier League side Arsenal, Dubai Shopping Festival, West Australian Symphony Orchestra among others. Such gestures although can be easily dismissed by critics as public relations gimmicks, demonstrates that the company has the interests of the international community at heart bearing in mind that is where it draws its customer base from. The creativity and friendliness in which Emirates has handled its sponsored activities has really ripped off if the profits it continues to register is something to go by. Strategic position It is important to note that the strategic position of Dubai, home base of Emirates gives it an edge to do business. Strategic because one can conveniently fly to Dubai before connecting with ease to other cities like Manchester or Rome while avoiding an extra trip hence saving on costs. Apart from being a commercial hub, Dubai is a major tourism attraction a factor which makes the aviation industry to blossom. Those who fly with Emirates airlines attest that their ambitions are met a clear manifestation that that its objective of offering best services on every route it operates is fully achieved. Its value for clients has won accolades and trust from many quarters making it an airline you can bank on.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Re-organization and Layoff- Issue Paper Essay Example for Free

Re-organization and Layoff- Issue Paper Essay Problem Identification and formulation will be reviewed using the team discussion from Week 2. The paper will: Summarize the issue; Identify the problem; Explain why it is the underlying problem; Reflect on the group collaboration process in defining the problem; and Explain how a clearly defined problem could help to find the solutions. Summarize The Issue The problem presented in article by Bouw, Mismanaged Layoffs can go Horribly Wrong, is the lack of proper and well-managed policy around employee lay-offs. Most managers are trained to handle a corporate crisis. Employers should approach any job losses with caution and always be respectful. Companies should consider whether job losses are necessary and the impact on operations internally, and how clients and contractors view it externally. Companies need to make sure they are following the law when it comes to laying off staff, including paying out severance as required by each province based on an employees years of service. (2013) Identify The Problem Some reasons that a company would look at reorganization and layoffs would be that the sales of that company have dropped below what they were projecting. To help with costs they may look at laying people off and then reorganizing the employees that are left to help ensure that the internal structure remains in tact to ensure that the company continues to run smoothly. Most companies see layoffs as a way to save money, however most times this is not the case due to the things that the company has to pay out to the employees that were let go. Alternatives to job cuts include transferring staff to other departments, using fewer contract workers, or cutting wages. Whether its a termination, where the employees job is eliminated, or a layoff, where the employee loses the job for a certain  period of time, a companys handling of it can have consequences. Explain Why This is the Underlying Problem If sales are lower then expected there might be a bigger problem then just lying off people. However, that is definitely where you should start, but employers need to stick to the rules around termination and ensure the reasons are clear. The negative impact the event can have on employee morale, which in turn can hurt productivity. Its traumatic to the remaining staff can create fear and resentment. To help manage the disruption, companies need to be compassionate and transparent about why the job losses occurred. If management handles it in a benevolent way it can boost their image as an employer, staff feel motivated and they dont live in fear. Layoff plan moves forward at GE Transportation, By Jim Martin demonstrates, that after unsuccessful lobbying and failed negotiations aimed at saving jobs, the company planned for its first round of layoffs. The pink slips were to be distributed Monday, giving employees one-week notice of their layoff. GE Transportation, said about 50 employees was expected to retire instead of taking a layoff. While each retirement had the potential to spare one layoff, Duke said he didnt try to influence anyones decision. In a statement from Erickson, the company acknowledged the significance of the job cuts. We are taking this difficult step to meet an increasingly challenging marketplace that requires us to reduce costs and improve flexibility to maintain our competitiveness, she said. We understand how hard this action is for everyone affected, including families and the broader community. She said the company is working closely with the state Department of Labor Industrys Rapid Response team to help employees who lose their jobs. (Martin, 2013, Page 1) Reflect On The Group Collaboration Process in Defining the Problem Effectively managing group decision-making has three requirements: (1) an appropriate leadership style, (2) the constructive use of disagreement and conflict, and (3) the enhancement of creativity. The most constructive type of conflict is cognitive conflict, or differences in perspectives or judgments about issues. In contrast, affective conflict is emotional and directed at other people. The dialectic goes a step beyond devil’s advocacy  by requiring a structured debate about two conflicting courses of action. The dialectic goes a step beyond devil’s advocacy by requiring a structured debate about two conflicting courses of action. Custom-made solutions are necessary, so the group must be creative in generating ideas. The leader of a decision-making body must attempt to minimize process-related problems. How a Clearly Defined Problem Could Help Find The Solutions The first stage in the decision-making process is to recognize that a problem exists and must be solved. Typically, a manager realizes some discrepancy between the current state (the way things are) and a desired state (the way things ought to be). Such discrepancies—say, in organizational or unit performance—may be detected by comparing current performance against (1) past performance, (2) the current performance of other organizations or units, or (3) future expected performance as determined by plans and forecasts. Recognizing that a problem or opportunity exists is only the beginning of this stage. The decision maker must dig in deeper and attempt to diagnose the situation. The following questions are useful to ask and answer in this stage. The â€Å"problem† may be an opportunity that needs to be exploited: a gap between what the organization is doing now and what it can do to create a more positive future. In that case, decisions involve choosing how to sei ze the opportunity. (Bateman, 2013, Page) Critical thinking plays a major role in the decision making process. Problem Identification and formulation aids in management’s ability find custom solutions using a creative generation. Reference Bateman, T. S., Snell, S. A. (2013). Management: Leading collaborating in a competitive world (10th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Bouw, B. (2013, June 28). Mismanaged layoffs can go horribly wrong. The Globe and Mail, B.14. Martin, J. (2013, November 3). Layoff plan moves forward at GE Transportation. McClatchy Tribune Business News, n/a.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Use of Honey as Medicine in Wound Healing: Analysis

Use of Honey as Medicine in Wound Healing: Analysis The aim of the assignment is to critique the research article, Standardised antibacterial honey (medihoney) with standard therapy in wound care: randomized clinical trial (2009) by Robson, Dodd Thomas. The tool used for this is Step by Step Guide to Critiquing Research by Ryan, Coughlan; Cronin (2007). Critique is an objective, critical, and balanced appraisal of a research reports various dimensions (Polit and Beck, 2004). The study was on the use of honey as medicine in wound healing. The research was done in the United Kingdom by a group of registered nurses and statistical masters. The study was completed in the year 2007 and was published in the Journal of Advanced Nursing (JAN). The study was based on the use of honey for wound dressing as an antibiotic and wound healing agent. Arguably, the article is well written as it is concise and it does not contain any languages that are characterised to any particular group and are grammatically correct. The layout of the study is good and are given in a good order and kept the academic style of writing. Research reports are like stories, a story should be written in a way which catches the attention of the reader, like as research report should have a readable style. The current researches writing style is good, and is well understandable. No personal views are expressed in the study. The writer had omitted personal pronouns to get an ease in the reading. Credibility variables concentrate on how believable the work appears and focus on the researchers qualification and ability to undertake and accurately present the study (Coughlan et al, 2007). The researchers were well qualified for the current study as their qualifications were stated in the article. Mostly nurses are eligible to do this type of study as they know the effect of dressing a wound. Statisticians also have a role in a research as there are so many calculations which were also included in the study. Methodology of a study is based on the credibility of the qualitative data and its subsequent findings (Polit Hunger, 1999) The title of the article gave an idea of the topic that and what the study is related to. The title is accurate and clear, too long or short titles can make the reader confusing (Coughlan et al, 2007). Too long or short titles can be confusing and misleading to the readers (Coughlan et al, 2007). In the study title is concise and is readable and has its reliability, the title is short too. The title is not more than 10- 15 words. Abstract is a brief description or an outline of the entire article. The abstract should give a clear idea about the research and should include information regarding the purpose of the study, method, sample size and selection which is given clearly in the current article(Coughlan et al, 2007), And from the abstract the reader should able to find out the overall idea about the study. They have also pointed out for further research on this topic with some recommendations. The present study has an agreeable abstract which conveys idea about the study which is simple, clear and interesting for the readers. The abstract is not too long and also explains about the method, sample size and the selection method. The abstract gave an over view of the topic. The abstract also opens an end to further researches. The introduction of the study will always be based on the research problem. Research problem is an enquiry which can be done through a disciplinary way (Polit and Beck, 2004). The purpose of a research highlights the overall sketch of main arguments and theory of the relevant research (Polit Hungler, 1999). In the current research the purpose of the study is stated clearly and an overall idea of the study is been included in the introduction of the research. The research problem is identified and clearly stated in the study. The research was carried out in a step by step process. The article has a flow and a have an ease in reading and all the links are clear. Critical summary of a topic which puts the topic or the research problem into a context is called as the literature review (Polit Beck, 2004). Literature review always points out to the previous studies of the current topic. The review should be logical and its critical analysis should be balanced (Cougllan et al, 2007). In the present study the literature review is clearly illustrated and it is logically presented. The literature review offers a critical analysis. The reviews are mostly facts which were proved by proceeds. A good literature review will always have a good introduction (Cougllan et al, 2007), which is followed in this by the writer. Frame work refers to the overall structure of a report which is based on a theory which was previously proved (Polit Hungler, 1999). Hypotheses are from a primary source and of an empirical nature. Theoretical frame work is what which is found confusing by a researcher. A theoretical frame work is been identified in ethics. The theoretical frame work has been clearly stated step by step clearly. A sound theoretical frame work also identifies the various concepts being studied and relationship between those concepts. The theory is true and the hypothesis is relevant for the study. Theoretical frame work tends to be better developing in experimental and quasi-experimental studies and often poorly developed or nonexistent in descriptive studies (Burns Grove, 1999). The purpose of the aims and objectives is to create a link between the initially stated purposes of the study or research problem (Coughlan et al, 2007). Aims and objectives are the observations or measurement that reflects on the physical reality which is interpreted by the individuals, and can be argued that even such observations may be open to subjectivity (Gerrish Lacey 2006). There is an aim for the study which is clearly stated in the abstract, introduction and also in the study. The hypothesis which is a statement or fact which can be tested or verified (Holloway Wheeler, 2002). The research questions and the hypothesis is clearly identified and stated in the study. The hypothesis and the research questions reflect on the literature review. The samples were chose with a great caution so as to minimise the errors. Samples are the selected units from a population, and sampling is the process of selecting appropriate people from a population for the research (Wood Haber, 1994). The samples were chosen randomly from a group and were informed about the research and the procedures and the effect of the current procedure. The sample which was chose for the study was appropriate as they were patients who were having wounds. The size of the sample was also adequate as a small sample will not help in an appropriate conclusion. The size of the sample is also important in quantitative research as small samples are at risk of being overly representative of small groups within the target population. There was no inclusion or exclusion for the study as they chose an appropriate sample with ethical consideration. The risk of sampling errors decrease as larger sample used (Coughlan et al, 2007). Autonomy infers that an individual has the right to freely decide to participate in a research study without fear of coercion and with the full knowledge of what is being investigated. Ethical committee or institutional review boards have to give approval before the research can be undertaken. There role is to determine the principles and to evaluate the validity of the research (Coughlan et al, 2007). There was ethical consideration for the data collection. All the participants of the study were fully informed about the research. All the participants were protected from all type of in case after effect, and were autonomous. Confidentiality of the subjects was censured by the researcher, and ensured the permission from an ethical committee. In a research study the researcher should ensure that the reader should understand what is meant by the terms and concepts which are used in the research. All the operational terms, theories and concepts in the current study has been clearly identified explained and illustrated in the study, and have given proper reference and citations for the rational and the explanations. The organisation, reduction and transformation of the data of a study in order for a review are called as data analysis (Holloway Wheeler, 2002). The methodology or the research design was clearly given to review the study. One of the main instruments in a study is methodology. The data gathering instruments of the methodology is cited in the study. The instrument used is appropriate as they could clearly get many results out of it. In the study 109 subjects participated in the research. The system of analysing the facts with the collected data from the research is called as data analysis (Polit Beck, 2004). Data analysis in quantitative research studies is often seen as a process which loses courage (Coughlan et al, 2007). Most of the data analysis is associated with complex language and statistical notations. The researcher should clearly identify what statistical tests were undertaken why these test was used and what were the results, which have been stated in the current article. In the current study analyse of the data is done in a better way. The strength and limitations of the study is also included in the study to revel the validity and reliability of the study. The discussion of a study should flow logically from the data and should be related to the literature review thus placing the study in context (Russell, 2002). In the discussion part of the research is linked back to the literature review. The discussion part contains the strength and limitations of the study which is referred to the previous study that are made on the same subjects. All the limitations are also generalizability discussed. The research also extends an open end for further research on different aspects of his study; other recommendations are also given to the current study. When doing a research or a research critique it is essential to quote the source of the information obtained, that should be included as in text or end text reference. In a research study the significance of the findings should be stated but these should be conceder within the overall strengths and limitations of the study (Polit Beck, 2006). The reference should help the writer to find the source as quickly as possible (Pears Shields). The copy of others idea is conceder as plagiarism which is serious offence. For the current study the researcher has used the Harvard referring system. The researcher has referred many books and research articles for his study and all the references have been quoted as in text and end text references. All the books referred for the study are appropriate as they are related to the subject or to the research vocabularies. The researcher was very much cautious about the plagiarism. Evaluating the research article with the critiquing tool by Michael Coughlan and team members it was found that the study is arguable with credibility and reliability. The writers have carefully used the strategies in doing a research. The research is readable and understanding by lay men. Holistic Nurse Prescribing: A Case Study Holistic Nurse Prescribing: A Case Study Introduction 1 the patient and their presenting symptoms. Mr Pickles presents an interesting, complex and therapeutically challenging problem. In essence he is a gentleman with multisystem pathology who presents with an almost incidental finding which he was clearly reluctant to discuss. It is a common finding amongst experienced healthcare professionals that in any consultation it is the last 30 seconds which is the most important. As the patient stands up to go, there is the just while Im here moment when they can bring up an issue that really troubles them and may not be the real presented reason for the consultation. In this essay we shall discuss the various aspects of this situation and the measures we can take to try to help him. (Parker and Lawton 2003) 2.a holistic assessment of the pt, including any relevant medical social and psychological issues. If we start with the initial presenting symptom under discussion the impotence it is easier to work backwards from that to discuss the possible pathophysiology that can be relevant. Impotence is said to occur whenever the male fails to get an erection when it is required. This, in itself is neither unusual nor necessarily pathological. It becomes a significant symptom when the male repeatedly fails to get an erection that is sufficient for intercourse. It is quite possible to get full spontaneous erections and yet still be impotent. This is one of the major diagnostic features that distinguishes the psychogenic impotence from the purely physical. (Ackerman MD, Carey MP. 1995) There are a number of obvious physical causes of erectile dysfunction that are relevant to Mr Pickles (see on), but equally there are a number of possible psychogenic causes that may be either primary factors or possibly secondary contributory factors in the aetiology of his problems. The fact that he has recently undergone major cardiac surgery is a very relevant factor. Patients will frequently suffer from a major change in body perception when they have come to a close realisation of their own mortality. If we add to this the fact that, as the major breadwinner in the family, it is likely that Mr Pickles would have felt a major blow to his self-esteem when he was made redundant from a responsible high esteem job and forced to become a taxi driver with long working hours. This is quite apart from the anxiety and fatigue that such a job would engender.(Beck J. 1995) It is possible that the medication that Mr Pickles is taking may have a bearing on his erectile dysfunction as the male erection is dependent on the hydrostatic pressure of the blood for its maintenance. Any medication that reduces the average blood pressure, will effectively reduce the capacity to acquire and maintain an erection. In addition to this the adrenergic beta-blocker group will also selectively block the sympathetic pathways that are vital to the neurovascular control of the mechanisms of erection. Pathophysiology of diabetes and impotence Both of these topics are huge subjects, so in this essay we will restrict out considerations to those aspects which are relevant to Mr Pickles and his problems. We know that Diabetes Mellitus affects about 2% of the UK population with a specifically higher incidence in both the Asian and Afro-Caribbean communities(Nathan 1998). There is also a marked genetic component in the development of Diabetes Mellitus. Mr Pickles has Type II diabetes mellitus which is associated with a number of factors including a high BMI and increasing age. At 56 yrs. old he is currently at the peak incidence age for Type II diabetes mellitus (Gregg et al. 2003). Diabetes Mellitus is known to be associated with a number of complications. The prevalence and incidence of the complications, in general, tends to increase with the length of time that the patient has been diabetic. There is also an independent variable for complications that is directly proportional to the degree of control (as measured by the HbA1 levels). In general terms, the better the control the lower the incidence of complications (Kissebah et al. 1999) As far as Mr Pickles is concerned, there are two major complications of Type II diabetes mellitus that are directly linked with impotence and they are cardio-(macro)vascular disease and neuropathy. (Wagner et al. 1998) We can deduce that Mr Pickles has macrovascular disease by virtue of the fact that he his recovering from a CABG. And this may well be a very relevant factor in his erectile dysfunction but also there is the question of neuropathy which typically occurs in about 2.4% of the general population, but this figure rises to above 8% in the diabetic patient over the age of 60 yrs. ( Hughes 2002) Impotence tends to occur, in varying degrees, in about 10-15% of men under 40 yrs. Its incidence increases with age to the extent that 40% of men at the age of 40 yrs report a degree of impotence and this prevalence rises to 70% at the age of 70 yrs. (Gregoire 1999). If we add to this basic clinical picture the fact that there are other factors such as hypertension, smoking, cardiac neurosis, loss of self-confidence, depression and iatrogenic causes (medication etc.) all of which may well be relevant to Mr Pickles, then it can be seen that there are a plethora of potential causes of his erectile dysfunction. (Barnes, DE. 2004) Both of the first two causes (hypertension and smoking) are independent risk factors for impotence, quite apart for the fact that they are also risk factors for the development of the macrovascular complications of Diabetes Mellitus (Bowering 2001) Mr Pickles diabetic state has been recently well controlled (HbA1 of 6.5%). This is important as the incidence of development of diabetic complications is reduced by between 34-76% (depending on the particular study) for every 10% reduction in the average HbA1 reading. (Bowering 2001). In addition to all of these considerations, atherosclerosis is also a major complication of Type II diabetes mellitus, which, presumably is relevant to Mr Pickles because of his CABG, and this may be a major factor in the development of his erectile dysfunction. Management plan 3.a plan/strategy based on critical understanding of physiological and pharmaceutical issues. Any management plan must firstly be based on an accurate diagnosis. At this point in time we do not have this luxury. As we have discussed, there are anyone of a huge number of possibilities in the aetiology of Mr Pickles erectile dysfunction problem. When confronted with a problem such as this, any experienced healthcare professional may reasonably chose to manage the problem by making a rational judgement of the probabilities of any one particular cause being relevant. Implicit in such a management strategy is the fact that there are some causes that my be correctable (iatrogenic, psychological, and life style related) and there are some that may not (macrovascular damage, neuropathy and atherosclerosis). It is reasonable, in such circumstances, to discuss the situation openly with Mr Pickles and discuss with him the various treatment options. Patient empowerment and education is a vital strategy to adopt in circumstances such as this as Mr Pickles is far more likely to comply and respond if he understands the rationale behind the treatment plan.(Howe and Anderson 2003) We would suggest that an appropriate strategy would be to initially tackle the situation on two fronts. The psychological aspects of the erectile dysfunction are probably best discussed with an experienced psychologist or councillor who has expertise in this particular area. This is important because there is a considerable skill in eliciting the relevant factors from the patient. Many patients are reticent about talking openly about their imitate sexual details and there has to be a careful build up of trust and empathy on both sides. Factors such as good eye contact and a non-judgemental body stance are essential on the part of the healthcare professional if the optimal result is to be obtained Not only can the issues that are relevant be explored, but also any one of a number of psychological treatment techniques can be employed. This is a matter of considerable clinical judgement and skill and therefore probably best done by an experienced healthcare professional in that area. The pharmaceutical area can also be addressed as Atenolol is clearly not the best anti hypertensive to use as, not only will it reduce the blood pressure (which it clearly is important to do) but it also produces a counter productive beta-blockade which will not help the erectile dysfunction problem. The difficulty is that, after the CABG, Atenolol does have a degree of action on the suppression of ectopic electrophysiological foci in the myocardium which is a recognised complication of the procedure. It also is thought to have a cardioprotective effect post-myocardial infarction. It is probably a good idea to change his anti-hypertensive medication, but in the circumstances, it is probably better to seek the advice of the surgical team who performed the CABG. before making the transition. The question of Viagra has been raised by Mr Pickles. This is not as straight forward as it might initially appear. Viagra has been shown to work well in these circumstances. It has the downside that it allows sexual intercourse which is associated with increased peaks of blood pressure. As Mr Pickles is still in the postoperative recovery phase (16 weeks) it would again be sensible to consult with the surgical team as to their advice on the issue. The other problem with Viagra is that if it transpires that the long term aetiology is actually psychological rather than purely physical, then the prescription of Viagra will often breed a feeling of psychological dependence which may firstly be both inappropriate and unnecessary and secondly, very hard to break. It is probably therefore inappropriate to consider such options at this stage in the management. and professional accountability should be discussed. The legal and professional issues are largely covered in the making of a management plan. In any area of professional competence, the best defence against criticism or censure, is the fact that a healthcare professional works from a rational evidence-based plan. It is for this reason that we have set out the rational and reasoning for the plan that we have chosen to adopt. It is actually quite permissible (legally) for a healthcare professional to be wrong on any given issue, as long as they have come to a reasoned and rational decision based on the facts that were placed before them. And behaved in a way that the majority of their professional colleagues believe is reasonable in the circumstances. It is, of course, central to these considerations, that all actions are carefully and fully recorded in the patients notes Prescribing decisions 5.a critical discussion of influences on prescribing decisions. The area of prescribing for Mr Pickles is clearly important. To some extent, we have covered the reasoning behind the change of prescription earlier in this essay. There is a common misconception amongst many members of the public (and indeed many of the less experienced healthcare professionals) that the solution to every problem comes in the form of tablets on a prescription. The whole area of patient empowerment and education is often filled with issues of lifestyle change, healthy living, self care and positive thinking which can frequently be more effective that simply giving the patient a prescription. (Boule NG et al. 2001) In the context of the NHS, it is a common observation that sometimes a prescription is given because it is the most expedient short-term measure in a given situation, (Dawes RM et al. 1974), however, time invested in an explanation to a patient as to why other measures might be equally as important is rarely time wasted., (Corrigan B. 1974) Future management 6.consider your future prescribing activity based on experience gained from this case study. In any professional area of activity, the author likes to use the mechanism of reflective practice to allow a critical assessment of a past course of action to modify future actions when faced with a similar situation. (Gibbs, G 1988) On careful reflection of this case, I believe that I may have acted rather rashly in stopping the Atenolol as a first choice. On reflection, I believe that the Atenolol did need to be changed for any one of a number of other anti-hypertensive agents but I feel that, in retrospect, I would have been wiser to take advice from the surgical team before I made that decision. Further reflection and discussion with other healthcare professionals (Marks-Moran Rose 1996), suggested that another appropriate course of action would have been to stop the antihypertensive medication altogether for a short period. This is on the grounds that his hypertension was not severe and was hitherto well controlled. If the erectile dysfunction was simply a reflection of the fact that the medication was holding his blood pressure down to a level where erection could not easily occur, a few days off the medication may allow a transient increase in his blood pressure to the point that erection could occur. As long as one was careful to monitor his blood pressure to ensure that it did not rise too far, I have been advised that this would represent a reasonable therapeutic trial to establish whether the underlying causes were mainly physical or physiological.(Wagner G et al 1998). On the face of it, this does seem reasonable but I believe that I would have to take further advice before I was fully comfortable with that decision. It follows from what has already been discussed, that I also feel that I may have been too quick to consider the pharmacological interventions before making a complete holistic assessment of the patient. There are clearly a number of lifestyle adjustments that may be relevant here such as weight loss and increasing exercise and looking for a new focus in life (to minimise any element of depression) which would be comparatively easy to achieve with appropriate empowerment and education of the patient. (Funnell R et al 2004) All in all, this is not a straight forward case. There are many elements which require careful and considered assessment. I believe that it is one of those cases that helps to point out that although there is a huge emphasis to be placed on modern scientific understanding and application of medical principles, there is also a very large element of human understanding and caring that is so very important to the successful management of patients such as Mr Pickles (Waterlow J. 1998) References Ackerman MD, Carey MP. 1995 Psychologys role in the assessment of erectile dysfunction: historical precedents, current knowledge and methods. J Consult Clin Psychol 1995; 63: 862-87 Barnes, Darryl E. 2004 Action Plan for Diabetes Copyright 2004 ISBN: 0736054596 Pub. Human Kinetics Illinois USA Beck J. 1995 Hypoactive sexual desire disorder: an overview. J Consult Clin Psychol 1995; 63: 915-927. Boule NG, Haddad E, Kenny GP, et al. 2001 Effects of exercise on glycemic control and body mass in type 2 diabetes mellitus: a meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials. JAMA 2001;286:1218-27 Bowering (2001) Diabetic foot ulcers. Pathophysiology, assessment, and therapy. Can Fam Physician. 2001 May;47:1007-16. Dawes RM, Corrigan B. 1974 Linear models in decision making. Psychol Bull 1974;81:95-106. Funnell, and Robert M. Anderson, (2004) Empowerment and Self-Management of Diabetes Clinical Diabetes 22:123-127, 2004 Gibbs, G (1988) Learning by doing: A guide to Teaching and Learning methods EMU Oxford Brookes University, Oxford. 1988 Gregg, R. B. Gerzoff, C. J. Caspersen, D. F. Williamson, and K. M. V. Narayan (2003) Relationship of Walking to Mortality Among US Adults With Diabetes Archives of Internal Medicine, June 23, 2003; 163(12): 1440 1447. Gregoire 1999 ABC of sexual health: Assessing and managing male sexual problems BMJ, January 30, 1999; 318(7179): 315 317. Howe and Anderson 2003 Involving patients in medical education BMJ, Aug 2003; 327: 326 328. Hughes RAC. 2002 Regular review: Peripheral neuropathy BMJ, Feb 2002; 324: 466 469. Kissebah AH, Freedman DS, Peiris AN. 1999 Health risks of obesity. Med Clin North Am 1999; 73: 111-138 Marks-Moran Rose 1996 Reconstructing Nursing: Beyond Art and Science London: Balliere Tindall October, 1996 Nathan D. (1998) Some answers, more controversy, from UKPDS. Lancet 1998; 352: 832-833. Parker and Lawton 2003 Psychological contribution to the understanding of adverse events in health care Qual. Saf. Health Care, Dec 2003; 12: 453 457. Wagner G, Seanz de Tejada I. 1998 Update on male erectile dysfunction. BMJ 1998; 316: 678-682 Waterlow J. (1998) Prevention is better than cure. Nurs Times 1988; 84: 69-70 Appendix

Friar Lawrence in William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Essay

Friar Lawrence of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet In reading critical analysis of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" I found that many people call Friar Lawrence a moderate man who elicits to others his voice of wisdom and reason. An example of this sort of conclusion is George Ian Duthie's opinion that Lawrence is "A very worthy man", "prudent" and "worldly-wise"(xix.xx). G.B. Harrison views him as "sympathetically treated", "wise, grave, patient"(6). Due to this continuing interpretation, the view of Friar Lawrence has not really changed through the years. Mutschman and Wentersdorf followed the herd when they stated in their book that Shakespeare reveals no trace whatever of the widespread prejudices of non-Catholics in connection with this aspect of the life of the Roman Church. On the contrary: he does everything in his dramatic power to show his friars and nuns, their lives and customs, in an unequivocally favorable light. (267) I feel that these conclusions about the character of Friar Lawrence are not so completely true. His character needs deeper examination in spite of the conventional ideas that have been passed from one critic to another throughout the years. Lawrence's highly questionable actions in the drama need be looked at in regards to the position he holds as a man of the cloth. Are his actions wise and acceptable to the church? Is Lawrence a meddlesome man going against his vows to his religion? Or could he merely be yet another stock character that Shakespeare stole from his predecessors? A Historical Look Back In 1594 Shakespeare's audience would have been used to the convention of the friar or other religious persons as the brunt of jokes or humorous situation... Byrne, Muriel St. Clare. Elizabethan life in Town and Country. London: George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1954. Duthie, George Ian. Romeo and Juliet. Cambridge: J. Dover Wilson, 1955. Harrison, G.B. Shakespeare The Complete Works. New York: New York Press, 1952. Kennard, Joseph S. The Friar In Fiction. New York: Haskell House Publisher Ltd., 1923. Muir, Kenneth. "Shakespeare and Politics." Shakespeare in a Changing World. 1st. Arnold Kettle. London: Lawrence and Wishart, 1964. 124-5. Mutschmann, Henrick, Karl Wentersdorf. Shakespeare and Catholicism. New York: AMS Press, 1969. Reed, Robert Rentoul Jr. Crime and God’s Judgement in Shakespeare. Kentucky: The University Press of Kentucky, 1984. Simmons, Joseph Larry. Shakespeare’s Pagan World. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1973.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Hamlet :: essays research papers

Soliloquies make us understand the true feelings that someone is feeling. It unlocks the secret of the mind. What are soliloquies? â€Å" A literary or dramatic form of discourse in which a character talks to himself or reveals his thoughts in the form of a monologue without addressing a listener†. Specific soliloquies illustrate what really goes on in Hamlet’s mind, and also other characters in the play. Hamlet is a very complicating character, and the only way we can actually understand him is through his soliloquies. â€Å"O, that this too solid flesh would melt, thaw and resolve itself into a dew†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (page 31), in this soliloquy, its like he’s saying that he wants to melt inside earth like water into the ground. Hamlet expresses here his feelings towards his mother marrying his uncle, two months after the death of his father. â€Å"How weary stale, flat and unprofitable seem to me all the uses of the world â€Å"(page 31). This quote shows the attitude Hamlet uses towards life, he is saying that the world is stale, it has no taste left. Hamlet is showing his pessimistic side in him in this soliloquy. When the ghost of Hamlet’s father reveals to Hamlet who killed him, Hamlet becomes more complicating, he becomes furious. â€Å"†¦That one may smile and be a villain atleast I’m sure it may be so in Denmark† (page 69) in this soliloquy Hamlet shows his feelings towards Claudius, that Claudius is smiling to show that he is nice when he isn’t. In this soliloquy we also understand more about Hamlets character that he tends to be sarcastic and a bit hysterical. Another soliloquy that shows us Hamlets feelings is the one after Hamlet finds out that Rosencrants and Guildenstern were trying to spy on him for Claudius. â€Å"What a rogue and peasant slave I am†¦am i a coward?†¦but i am a pigeon livered and lack gall† (page 125) Hamlet shows here his anger that he has to himself for not taking yet revenge against his father’s killer. He’s basically saying in this quote that he has no courage. Therefore this soliloquy reveals to the readers that deep inside Hamlet isn’t courageous. â€Å" Why what an ass am I.. the son of the dear murdered prompted to my revenge by heaven and hell, must like a whore unpack my heart with words. At the end of this soliloquy, Hamlet reveals his plan to reenact the killing of his father to see Claudius’s reaction.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Essay -- Essays Papers

I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings In the beginning of I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, Marguerite, later known as Maya begins to tell the story of her childhood. When her parents divorced, they sent her & her brother, Bailey to live in Stamps, Arkansas with their Grandmother (Momma) and their Uncle Willie. The kids go to school in Stamps and work in the store that Momma and Uncle Willie own. One year, while they were in Stamps, their father came to visit. When he was getting ready to return to California, he asked the kids if they wanted to come back with him to live. They agreed. Momma was also glad to have them off her hands even though she enjoyed having them around. While they were in the car, their father revealed that they were going to St. Louis to see their mother. Maya and Bailey hadn’t seen her for a very long time to they were happy about the side trip. After three days in St. Louis, their father left again. They were there to live with their mother. Maya felt that he was a stranger anyway so it didn’t bother her at all. Maya and Bailey’s mother had three brothers who had good jobs with the city. Their family was respected in the area they lived in and everyone knew who they were. The children were also introduced to Mr. Freeman, their mother’s boyfriend. He didn’t interact with them much. He often came home late at night and they didn’t talk to him very much. One morning, after Maya’s mother had left, Mr. Freeman ca...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Cultural Background Paper Essay

UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization – 2002) defined Culture â€Å"as the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society †¦. it encompasses, in addition to art and literature, lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs. † With migrant ethnic groups, they become so far removed from their homeland that their traditions have considerably been altered, are gone, or simply forgotten. It was mostly after World War I, in the 1500s to the 1800s in the Great Migration when most African immigrants were taken against their will to the New World. They were brought in as slaves and their hard work was responsible for the prosperity of the New World. Similarity of African and American Culture. America is a melting pot, where all cultures meet and blend. America is multi-racial because of the continuous influx of foreign migration to American shores. The culturally-diverse population of America makes it a pluralistic society. The Wikipedia (11 Jan 2002) describes Africa as â€Å"one continent with many worlds. † Various ethnic, social and tribal groups make up Africa. Africa is more of a multi-ethnic culture. Contrasts between African and American culture. The difference between Africa and America is on certain significant cultural aspects. African society is male-dominant, where women submit to patriarchal authority. America is more liberal and espouses gender equality. Societal relationship in Africa is familial, very family-oriented even in business. America is individualistic. Food and eating in Africa is a ritual, in America food and eating is a basic need. Behavior, values and norms are often clannish or often dictated by the ethnic group or the clan. America has always been independent. Africa has many languages, America speaks only English. Having been born in America, I have totally embraced the culture that is predominantly American. However, this is not denying my roots and my rich African heritage. On the contrary, I feel that there is something great that people like me can contribute to the mainstream culture. The support system of families, the sharing of trials and triumphs of Africans are cultural strengths that I would rather have than the individualistic ways of America. The equal treatment and opportunities to both sexes of America, to me however is more acceptable than the male-dominant practices in Africa. The similarities in my cultural background and that of the dominant American culture made it easy to integrate to a society that is made up of culturally diverse people. I did not feel isolated or left out because of my color or creed. The similarities and differences of the both cultures had a positive effect on my life. I am shown the strengths and the weakness of each one. The primarily independent-thinking American culture is necessary to make choices and standing by it. It is a trait that I believe in and which I try to be all the time. Food and Eating as rituals and basic needs at the same time are to me necessary for us to enjoy and sustain life. I do not wish to rush all the time and so I take every moment to find meaning in my every action. I believe that my own cultural background has to a certain extent contributed to the mix in the dominant American culture. When the early Africans banded to demand equal rights from a society that was once discriminatory of their race, it showed the world and history what unity can do to push for reforms. That movement has indeed gone a long way. There is respect for cultural diversity and equal opportunities now. In a culturally diverse society such as America, culture exchange flourished. With people of African descent like me in mainstream society, other people became aware of Africa. They got introduced to the sights and sounds, literature, its people, traditions, ways, and everything else. Pretty soon famous African Americans are into government service, entertainment, the academe, the media, and business. I believe that to be the greatest contribution to of the African culture to dominant American culture. I learned of my cultural roots through a conscientious effort on my part. I knew I look different, I knew I belong to a defined group, I knew we had different ways of doing things, practically we have our own culture. I asked my parents about us, about our culture. Our family is one that takes pride on who we are. It became a pleasant, welcomed, and enlightening revelation. I read books about Africa, searched the web for more information and watched movies about Africa. It was a moment of discovery. I connected to our cultural past. I have not let up until today. I still visit sites of Africa and learn more of my forefathers’ homeland. Having lived in America all these years, I know I have developed an entirely new culture that is neither African nor America. It might yet be a blend of both cultures. I may look and sound African, think and act American and I am African American. I have in me the clannish African and the independent American. The influences on me to develop a new culture are varied. Interaction with those people who belong to other dominant cultures, opportunities to experience these other cultures first hand, unconsciously picking up the best in each one and living it are possibly the first ones that come to mind. The world is getting smaller by the day. With the advent of modern means of travel and communications getting in touch is relatively easy. Cultures meet and merge every second, every day. Sources: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/American_culture#Relationship_to_other_countries. 2Fcultures http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Culture_of_Africa

Friday, August 16, 2019

On the sidewalk bleeding Essay

Sixteen year old, Andy Anderson, was found dead 3:00 am in the morning by his girlfriend Laura. Andy Anderson a member of a gang that refer to themselves as the ROYALS recently got stabbed by another gang group the GUARDIANS. This incident took place in a dark alley right in front Alfredo’s, a local corner store. The police think that andy was stabbed around 11:30 p.m. and slowly bled to death. He was stabbed with a knife just below his rib cage. Due to some evidences we’ve gathered at the scene and witnesses we spoke to, we have some major leads on this crime scene. Our first witness was a 32 year old man, luke lucas, who was sorry that he was too drunk to realize that andy was dying. â€Å" I only wish I would have been sober, I would of been able to help.† He said during his interview. Our next witnesses were two teens, they saw Andy lying down â€Å"on the sidewalk bleeding† and wanted to help †¦ until they saw his bright purple ROYALS jacket. The two teens did not want to get mixed up in between these two gangs. We are still asking them further questions on this because we feel that we’re not getting the whole story. This devastating tragic event really shows the extreme dangers of gang violence. When the police saw Andy’s ROYALS jacket that he had taken off, they knew that this wasn’t just a random act of violence, and that this was a planned attack. What a price to pay for being in a teen death, what a tragedy. Police would like anyone with any kind of information with any kind of information to contact 69 division or to leave an anonymous tip for crime stoppers. Andy’s funeral will be held at Holy Redeemer Roma n Catholic Church in Ottawa Sunday afternoon. Donations are being accepted by the Youth Services Bureau of Ottawa in the teen’s honour.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Halfway House Programs and the Community Essay

The use of halfway houses as a starting point for those who were once in prison is a great idea and can be beneficial to not only the individuals who are having to adjust to life outside of prison but also to the community around them. These homes help to stabilize the individual, help them to be able to adjust to life in society again and help them to become better parts of society. There are many who believe that halfway houses are not a good thing and would rather not have them but there are many reasons that these people are not looking at the whole picture and are not looking into the benefits that halfway houses can provide. There are many reasons that the surrounding neighbors and communities could fear a halfway house. Some of these reasons are the stereotypes that are associated with these places. This means that there is the common thoughts and beliefs that those who are in the halfway houses are not truly ready to be reformed and therefore it can be thought that these individuals should remain in prison. This is a misconception as the halfway house provides the individual with stability and helps them to be able to transition into a life outside of prison. The halfway house often provides the individual with a way to be able to find employment, get hooked up with needed medical and other health care services including rehabilitation and mental health, and a way to be able to live until they are able to stand on their own two feet (Welsh and Harris 2009). Without halfway houses these former criminals would be left on their own to find all of these resources and many times in the past the individuals had a hard time finding these things which has resulted in them committing more crimes. With halfway houses the return rate to prison is lower. Another problem that many individuals have with halfway houses is that they do not understand how giving the individual a place to live is really what they deserve. However there are some new programs that are offered in some halfway houses where the perpetrators of crime are forced to pay restitutions to the victims of their crimes. These programs have been successful in the satisfaction for both the perpetrator and the victim. In a recent study on this issue, the results were found to be positive for all that were involved (Bonta, Boyle, Motiuk, and Sonichsen 1983). Another common misconception is that the residents of the halfway house are not ready to be in the real world when they leave and that there is a high rate of repeat criminal offenses. This was looked at by a group of researchers and what was found was that those who had successful completions of the halfway house programs were less likely to have repeat criminal offenses where as those who were not successful in their treatment through halfway houses (Hartman, Friday and Minor 1994). This is very important to note as there are many reasons that an individual would not have a successful completion but then when an individual did have a successful treatment that they should be allowed the benefits of reformation and believed to be reformed and hoping for a better life. Halfway houses can be very beneficial to both the former criminals that inhabit them and the local communities in which they are located. In many cases halfway houses provide a place for these former prisoners to live while they are working on getting back on their feet and becoming stable. Halfway houses and their programs beneficial to the individual as they are not on the street or trying to make it on their own in a world where it is more difficult for them to find a place to rent, obtain employment or anything else. The benefit to the community is that these former criminals are off of the streets and in a place where treatment and supervision is mandatory while they are becoming more stable. Thus they are less likely to commit petty offenses like theft in order to eat or make money for needed items.

Jaguar Manufacturer

Explain the advantages and disadvantages for jaguar of using just in time production rather than the more traditional just in case stock system. Just in time is a manufacturing method based on pull system which means the raw materials are only delivered only when needed which reduces waste due to overproduction and lowers the storage rent e. g. warehouse storage. Advantages: * Reducing set up times * Goods from warehouse to the production line flow much smoother which saves time. * Increases supplier quality * Consistently supplying the plant with the raw material for production * Workers are used more efficiently Scheduling and planning is improved * Reduces space requirements for raw materials Disadvantages: * Relying on a limited amount of stock so there is a chance of running out and interrupting production * Change in the culture of production can take time to get used to so it could be less control in the beginning * Need trustful and reliable suppliers who can deliver on time * The suppliers have to be very flexible because the demand for raw material could come up at any time. * The machinery is at risk to breaking down and slowing down the production.Using appropriate motivation theory, analyse how jaguar has managed to increase the pride and commitment of its employees. Jaguar has managed to increase the pride and commitment of its employees by implying continuous improvement. This type of motivation required entrustment and empowerment from the workforce. The fresh start to this new implication meant that the workforce had to be trained in order to perform and improve. Team work has to be implemented because this way everyone is involved and the ideas can be shared for enhancement of the production.Also because the work is in teams no one is left out and each member feels more valuable in the workplace which then motivates them further. Once more the team working leads the workforce to a new level on Maslow’s hierarchy where the employees are social and esteemed. Being valued and cared for is a great motivator especially in a big workforce such as Jaguar. Targets and objectives are set for the employees and it is something to strive for, this will give them a some sort of a bonus or a pay rise.Once there is a target and a bonus at the end it will motivate the worker to reach that target as Taylor said money is a motivator in a workplace. The bonuses don’t just have to be set for individual employees they could be set for the whole team and if a target is met the whole team will enjoy a reward at the end, again this will motivate not only individuals but the whole group of workers. Evaluate methods for achieving a total quality culture in large organisations like Jaguar.Total quality culture is based on the involvement of all employees in the organization in improving processes, products, services and the mores in which they work and it is also based on meeting the customer’s requirements with the right stan dard of quality. It is essential to work in teams to share ideas and to advance the quality by setting objectives such as zero defects. Every member of the organisation can take action if a certain product is not up to a set standard. Quality circles or kaizen can be a part of team work where employees can share their skills and ideas to improve the quality of their products.If the skills are not at a fine quality then certain training regimes can be set also in the training the employees can be taught to have prevention rather than cure which would aim at zero defects. Kaizen cannot be relied up one because it doesn’t cover all aspects of improving so things like identifying the consumer needs and having cell production will certainly be covering more of the objective such as the zero defects. If the manager takes up the total quality management and seeks the best quality not only out of the products but the employees who make these products.The workforce has to always be co mmitted to what the manager has set as an aim or an objective and be ready to reach and fulfil that aim. The high motivational skills of the manager will definitely make reaching the target much easier than if the employees are not motivated. Describe the organisational culture of Microsoft as identified by Steve Ballmer. The recent culture in the Microsoft organisation can be described as an innovative culture where Microsoft are trying to develop something brand new and something that no other organisation has.Explain the meaning of business aims, and use in managing large organisations such as Microsoft. An aim in an organisation can be seen as a direction in which the business can move on this path certain objectives and targets can be set to further improve the organisations structure. The objective and targets that may be set can aspire and motivate the workforce. Aims could look at the company’s weaknesses and strengths, the weaknesses can be reduced in the future by c hoosing appropriate objectives and the strengths can be further strengthened by setting targets which once again will motivate the workers.Having an aim will set order in the work place which will lead to sharing among staff and more accountability cooperation. An aim is like a mission which the business is striving to achieve and complete as many objectives along the way as possible. Microsoft has four aims and they are building industry trust, building customer loyalty, altering structure of the company and devolving power from the top. Analyse four practical strategies Microsoft could implement to help it achieve its aims. First of all Microsoft needs to build its trust with the industries based around them.One way could be to merge or to have joint ventures with other computing companies but this is not the best way to recover trust because Microsoft are very competitive and they will prefer to be a single organisation with control. Other ways can be to provide employment in the company because Microsoft is a large organisation and it needs skilled workers to continue improving. It can also provide income for local communities for example universities where better ICT training courses can be implemented. Another strategy is to build customer loyalty which will give strong ideas on what the customers want.Primary research methods such as focus groups where direct opinions can be gained from the customers even though it is only a very limited number of people surveyed. Secondary data can definitely give more of a bigger picture of what the customer wants even though sometimes it may not be as honest as having focus groups. This way of researching will show new trends in the customers taste and choice. This can be improved by creating departments which will concentrate only on the customer relationships this way online help can be more supportive towards the customers.Changing or altering the way the organisation is structured is another aim for Microsoft. Te am working is very important in this type of organisation and the teams in the company should often be rewarded for their efforts. Individuals shall not be rewarded because this will tend to break the team up into individuals and this means there would be some sort of competition between the workers. Matrix structure is very appropriate for Microsoft especially when a company tends to have many different departments.This would team working on another level, the teams will be very flexible and will cooperate with workers from other departments. This way a culture of team working and collaboration is created in the organization and the ability to work on different projects gives a huge variety to the work which will increase staff motivation. Microsoft are always looking to find the best way to improve their products by keeping up to date from the customer surveys but when you have the experts from each department the product will tend to be much more improved and up to date.Making de cisions is often very difficult especially when you are in control of a huge organisation such Microsoft. Devolving the power or decision making from the top will certainly take a lot of pressure off the top management team. Creating another layer in between of the hierarchical orders of company’s structure will involve and motivate other workers who will be motivated because they get to make important decision in certain areas of the organisation. Another motivator in this is that whoever makes the decision a team or an individual will always think that the top managerial team is relying on his/hers or their decisions.This not only motivates workers but it makes them communicate and improve communication skills in the procedure of this. This would be a great way of splitting important decisions in the company because the pressure is taken off the managers and shared with the rest of the workforce, of course the more important decisions like putting the company as stake or so me sort of risk will always be down to the highest ranked people but this is an effective way to motivate and at the same time take pressure off the main people in the company.